Zhejiang Binger Non-woven Fabric Co., Ltd.

What details should be paid attention to when using baby hand and mouth wipes?

With the development of the times, handkerchiefs and towels are easily contaminated by bacteria due to recycling and are no longer the first choice for baby care. A large number of parents tend to choose baby hand and mouth wipes to organize and care for their little ones. Baby wipes can not only clean up your little one's butt, but also your baby's face and hands.
The manufacturer of wet wipes indicates that wet wipes are products that have close contact with the baby's skin. Therefore, in the process of selection, mothers must be cautious to prevent discomfort to the baby.
In order to distinguish the pros and cons of baby wipes, the first thing to be clear is what cannot be in baby wipes. They are alcohol, spices, additives, fluorescent agents, and water that has not been sterilized enough. Such things can cause very large damage to the baby's tender skin, including allergies, itching, rashes, etc.
Many people will feel that buying a big brand of wipes will sound more reliable, after all, you get what you pay for. However, you can't blindly believe in big brands. The above-mentioned reports are negative, and there is no shortage of big brands.
Myth 1: The whiter the convenient wipes, the better Many people feel that the whiter they are when they buy wet wipes, they will look cleaner, and they will feel more at ease when using them. However, the wipes that look particularly white may have added fluorescent agents. Excessive use of such wet wipes with added fluorescent agents for a long time is likely to cause skin allergies. Therefore, wet wipes are not the whiter the better.
Myth 2: Wet wipes are cool and comfortable to wipe off In summer, many people will buy some cool wipes, which feel very fresh and comfortable. However, this kind of wet wipes with a mint feel is likely to increase not mint, but alcohol! Alcohol-containing wipes will not only take away the moisture of the skin, resulting in dry skin, and even cause skin allergies. Children should be more careful with it!